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Method Tip! What to Include in the Measures section


For each measure or scale you are describing in your Measures section, consider including the following:

  1. The scale name and citation

  2. What the scale measures

  3. The number of items

  4. An example item (for each scale and any sub-scales)

  5. Scoring range and anchors

  6. How the scale was scored, including whether any items were reverse scored, and what higher scores represent

  7. Previous reports of reliability (generally internal reliability) and validity (generally convergent validity, however, if you are reporting a scale with sub-scales, I would also report factorial validity)

  8. alpha level(s) from your study (some supervisors like these reported in the Method / others like them reported in the Results - check with them)

An Example

"Name of Construct or Scale. The _____ scale (reference) is a 10-item scale measuring XXX. A sample item is "XXX". Items are rated on a 4-point Likert scale ranging from 1 (Did not apply to me) to 4 (Applied to me very much, or most of the time). Scores were summed to yield a total XX score, with higher scores indicating higher levels of XX. Previous research shows the ____ scale has acceptable internal reliability (α = XX) and convergent validity with other measures of XXX (reference). In the present study internal reliability was acceptable (α = .XX).”

Tips for the Measures Section!

  • Keep the order in which you describe the above components consistent across of the measures.

  • Report the measures in the order of predictors (IVs, moderators, mediators), and then the outcome variables - keep the order consistent throughout the thesis - it helps with readability.

  • Include a subheading for each scale - it makes them easier to refer back to. I have included a level 3 heading above.

  • When describing the scale anchors, the 7th edition of the APA manual states the anchors of the scale (but not the numbers) should be italicised like this: "ranged from 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent)" OR "a Likert scale (1 = strongly disagree to 5 = strongly agree)."

Happy Researching!



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